News 13 March 20179: Our 2019 schedule has been released. Our first concert is May 7 at Charlene Manor, 6:30 PM. 30 March 2017: Our 2017 schedule has been released. Our first concert is April 25 at Charlene Manor, 6:30 PM. 2 May 2016: Our 2016 schedule has been released. Our first concert is April 26 at Charlene Manor, 6:30 PM. 3 May 2015: Our 2015 schedule has been released. Our first concert is April 28 at Charlene Manor, 6:30 PM. 5 March 2014: Our 2014 schedule has been released. Our first rehearsal is Tuesday, March 11 at Elm Terrace, 6:00 PM. Dessert and snacks provided. Our first concert is Aprill 22 at Charlene Manor, 6:30 PM. 1 March 2013: Our 2013 schedule has been released. 1 August 2012: We will be in the Franklin County Fair Parade in Greenfield on Thursday September 6. We start at 5 PM. 11 July 2012: Come see us at the Greenfield Energy Park, Tuesaday July 17, for our next concert. We start at 7 PM. 9 July 2012: Come see us at the Greenfield Energy Park for tomorrow's (Tuesday, July 10) concert. We start at 7 PM. 7 July 2012: Our Beacon Field Fireworks Concert for tonight has been rescheduled for tomorrow, July 8, due to impending T-storms this afternoon and evening. 5 May 2012: Our Forum has been replaced by this News page AND our own Facebook page. |